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Monday, January 6, 2014
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PS4's "Share" to Have its Limits

As part of its reveal event in February, Sony chose to make a pretty big deal about  the PS4's new sharing capability. By the push of a button on the upcoming DualShock 4, players will be able to post both clips and images to various social networks on an instantaneous basis while they play their favorite games. Thanks to that speedy X86-64 processor, all of this will indeed be possible, but there may be a few limitations to its functionality.

Thankfully however, these will not at all be related to the hardware itself. Instead it will be a matter of developer choice. For example, the game creators may not want to let you record that closing cinematic or climatic boss fight because they don't want to spoil their well-crafted story. For these kinds of reasons only, there might be times where share is disabled. True PS fans shouldn't be surprised because we see similar caveats now in place with regards to screenshots on the Vita. In sum, it will be a developer's choice to decide when and how sharing can be used.

Are you okay with these kinds of limits to content sharing? Let me know in the comments!

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PS4's Price Appeal

When a new console is about to hit the market, price is always one of the very first things that comes to mind. For the majority of consumers, it doesn't exactly matter how great the graphics look if you're going to have to take out a loan and sell your first born child to afford it. If only Sony had realized this in the beginning of the PS3 era where the high $599 price tag lead to an initially slow adoption rate for the console. What about the PS4? Could Sony be in for making the same mistake twice?

If you asked Sony Worldwide Studio's VP Michael Denny, he would be inclined to say no. With their next generation system, he claims "that we listen and learn and take the judgement from every console launch we ever have and we have to be informed" about, while learning from those kinds of past errors. He says that unlike the last system which was set towards only the most hardcore sector "we have created a console absolutely focused on gamers--and we want that to be gamers in the broadest sense as well. I think to some extent I can ask you to draw your own conclusions."

So what conclusions can we draw? Will Sony offer a heavily subsidized configuration much like we now see with the 360, or will the machine just be cheap outright? What price do you think we could see for PS4?

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DRM: Pain for Developers and Gamers

SimCity - EA and Maxis:

If we want to talk about a game that has brought DRM back into more recent headlines, SimCity is your obvious first choice. When the game was in development, both players and designers alike had huge plans for the revival of this much beloved series. Thanks to the integration of new multiplayer features, gamers would now not only be able to create the city of their dreams, but they could also share it with the world through online interaction. It was said that if you wanted to you would have the ability to both rival and support neighboring cities with supplies while those around you could do the same. This all sounded pretty epic until EA informed the public that being connected to the network was absolutely mandatory to play the game. That's when things got out of hand.

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PS4 GDC News Roundup

Because GDC is more attuned to the developers working with the PS4 rather than the general public, a lot of the details discussed at the Sony panel were a lot more hardcore and spec-heavy than many of us will care to know. On the game construction front, I will spare you those kinds of details then and just confirm for you that the PS4 will in fact use 8GB of GDDR RAM which is typically only used in PC graphics cards. The development environment will also be adapted for Windows 7 64-bit which means all of the debugging you do for a console game will be the exact same as you do on a PC. More specific data can be found at my source, so it's there for those that want it.

Now for the fun stuff. With regards to the controller, it will feature a 1920x900 resolution touchpad that clicks when pushed. The emanating light sensors can also be changed between blue, red, green, and pink. In the development sense, this could mean different number players could show different color lights from their remotes. Most importantly in my mind is that the so-called DualShock 4 will also charge even when the console is tuned off! Additionally there was also mention of the 1280x800 dual camera PlayStation 4 Eye which will have a proprietary port connection that you will not be able to use on PC. Regardless, the tech could be used for functions such as "walkthrough videos, killcam taunting, system login, speech recognition, and even moving of split screens relative to room position."

Secondly there was a lot of talk about apps and social gaming as well. Once you are on the network, you will be able to toggle between using your real name and a handle much like Steam. From there you could see what your friends are saying about the game and some of the choices they have made throughout their play. Probably the best feature is the PlayStation smartphone app. Hypothetically, it could allow you to download a new game while on the go, and by the time you get home the content will be installed on your hard drive.

It's important to note that the majority of these features will only happen if developers make use of them, but what do you think? More reason to be stoked for the "next generation of Play?"

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Walkthroughs True Gamer Material?

Pro: Guides Can Help Without Cheat Codes:

Let's face it: there are some games that are going to simply leave you stumped for what to do next. Are you having trouble beating that final boss, or you're just stuck for what action the developers want you to do next? Then a guide in video or text format might just be the solution to your problems. After all, you've done so well to get this far, and it would be a pity to say you've wasted your hard-earned sixty dollars to only play two-thirds of a game. You might just need a little bit of guidance to push you the right way, which is by it's nature what a guide can do for you.

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nVidia says No to the PS4!

In an interview with Gamespot, nVidia were pretty upfront on the their involvement with Sony's upcoming 8th generation console the PS4. The company stated that they wanted nothing to do with supplying Sony the means of using their graphics chip on the console. This was due to Sony not forking out the money and paying nVidia what they were asking for. nVidia have gone on to claim that the PlayStation 4 will not be worth the price of admission and warns customers to save their money and wait off for something else.

It has been rumored that nVidia would be sticking exclusively with Microsoft's next generation console, which is believed to be unveiled at E3 later this year. This comes off rumors also that nVidia is to be believed to be helping with the developement team of the next XBOX very closely.

In a quote given to Gamespot Senoir VP of nVidia Tony Tamasi said "We're building a whole bunch of stuff and we had to look at console business as an opportunity cost. If we say, did a console, what other piece of our business would we put on hold to chase after that?"

It is believed that AMD are also having their doubts over the PS4, but these are just rumors at the moment as they are sticking by Sony's PS4. This also comes after AMD's Austin based Headquarters was sold off earlier this week due to "budget cuts", following a quarterly loss of $131 million.

In the last quarterly, nVidia posted a profit of $174 million.

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Nintendo Loses Patent Case to Sony

Nintendo's tailspin continues. After reports of poor sales in Japan against rival Sony, it seems the Federal Jury wanted to just put the final blow to Nintendo this week. Nintendo were found guilty this morning after a patent infringement was taken to court after longtime Sony employee and inventor Seijiro Tomita claimed $30.2 million in compensatory damages over alledged claims that Nintendo stole the 3D technology used on their handheld system.

Tomita's legal representative, Joe Diamant told the juror's he had met with seven Nintendo officials in early 2003, and had presented them with the new technology. Four of the officials would go on to assist the creation of the Nintendo3DS.

Nintendo's attorney Scott Lindvall argued that the suit was without real reason or merit, claiming the Nintendo 3DS did not use any aspects of Tomita's invention nor his patent. He went into details explaining to the jury, that the meeting with Nintnedo was one of the many with merchants trying to sell Nintendo on 3D technology.

This is not the only time Tomita has tried to take this case to court. Tomita sued Nintendo in 2011 claiming he was entitled $9.80 of every 3DS sold. As of December 31, 2012 Nintendo has sold 29.4 Million units meaning Tomita was believed to be owed $292.5 Million.

Nintendo responded to the statement on Kotaku;

"A jury awarded $30.2 million in damages to Tomita Technologies in a patent infringement lawsuit brought by Tomita against Nintendo," a line from the statement reads. "The Tomita patent did not relate to the 3D games playable on the Nintendo 3DS. The trial was held in U.S. District Court in New York before Judge Jed Rakoff."

"Nintendo is confident that the result will be set aside. The jury's verdict will not impact Nintendo's continued sales in the United States of its highly acclaimed line of video game hardware, software and accessories, including the Nintendo 3DS," it goes on. "Nintendo has a long history of developing innovative products while respecting the intellectual property rights of others."


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Is DRM a Necessary Evil?

It Protects the Rights of Developers:

If you're a real hardcore gamer, then in a lot of cases there are certain developers and development teams you just cant get enough of. Are you a fan of Quantic Dream's interactive move-like gameplay, or is it that you just can't seem to put down any game with the Final Fantasy name in it? Either way, it doesn't matter. Many of us are loyal to the people that create the games we love, and I think that's a good thing. After all, they do slave for years and spend millions of dollars with the goal of making us happy, so don't they deserve a little piece of mind in knowing that they own the right to do whatever they want with what they have made?

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POV PS4 Facts

White Lord Releases an Awesome PS3 Mod and Leaves the Scene:

If you're running custom firmware, one of the best things that you can do with it is utilize your modded hardware for savegame hacks. As long as you're not stupid enough to use them for online matches, they can breathe a whole lot of a new life into older games, which is exactly what has happened with the release of the Tekken 6 Rebirth Mod that allows you to play as two NPC bosses Nancy and Azazel. From my perspective, as a Tekken fan this hack was really huge and important news considering that many fans of the franchise had probably already beaten this title a million times over by now. In reality, this is just another example of how the right coders can get things done in a way that actually benefits the original developers. Namco wants you to get your money's worth from your purchases, and this my friends is how you do it.

Maybe more interesting though are White Lord's statements that the PSP scene is "not what it once was" and the PS3 community was not "what he wanted." From covering all this news, there's no denying that the PSP scene has changed, but I would say it's more due to the fact that Sony has surrendered the system to hackers as this point. There are no more battles with corporate machines that lead to the passion that we once had for the PSP, but that doesn't mean you still can't make good homebrew for it. Mario Kart PSP, and Super Chess are just a few great ones, It's sad that PS3 simply didn't appeal to him too, but I think in a lot of ways that community has also suffered from total control system since the leak of the lv0 keys. I suppose once the fight is gone things do get less interesting. Enough in fact to unfortunately make White Lord say goodbye. Free-to-play games are sweeping the nation, but is it a viable model? Let's take Uncharted 3 as a case study!

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POV PlayStation Event Special

Controllers and Input:

Okay so remember all of those leaked images we saw of the supposed PS4 controller a couple weeks ago? Well all of those happened to be pretty much exactly correct. The design we saw on Wednesday is more or less a modified version of the Dualshock 3 with a newly added touchpad on the top and some more appropriately designed triggers for R2 and L2. That's not the only way developers want you to interact with the console though, because Sony has also said that each hardware configuration will also come bundled with a camera that is not too much unlike an improved version  of the Xbox 360 Kinect. They're also still incredibly keen to push the PlayStation Move on us as well, if the Media Molecule tech demo wasn't evidence enough of that. Suffice to say, we're going to have lots of input options when it comes to the "next generation of Play."

In terms of what I think about all this, I would say the overall design of your main remote is almost exactly what PlayStation fans want. The edges are just a little bit more rounded to support bigger hands, and the triggers are going to be incredible when it comes to playing all of your favorite shooter titles. As far as the touchpad obsession goes, it can only be as big as the developers want it to be, but if the backing is there I think we could finally see a reasonable and new source of input that even hardcore gamers could adapt to. I think the same can be said about the cameras, although many folks on the internet claimed they aren't too okay with the idea of a camera staring back at them all the time. To that I say, get used to it because you can bet the 720 will be sporting something similar when it is announced later this year. The only real letdown here is the PlayStation Move. In a lot of ways I feel like nobody is buying it now, so they probably won't in the next generation. The Sony market just isn't compatible with a Wii-like game plan. All in all though, I can't say I was disappointed. Other than new ways to play your games, we also saw a huge emphasis on social networking. Is this a good or bad thing?

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PS4 will support second hand games!

This great news brought to you by Shuhei Yoshida from Sony Worldwide Studios in his interview with Eurogamer. Many PlayStation fans I know almost gave up hope and wanted to go for the new Xbox. But Microsoft also has plans to stop the second hands games by blocking them on the new Xbox

Shuhei Yoshida has brought us some more great news. You don't need to be connected to the internet 24/7 to play PS4 games. The PS4 games will still support offline gaming. It is less cool as online gaming, but for people  who may not have a great internet connection this is a great alternative.

PS4 seems more promessing by the minute. Will it be better then the Xbox? Whe can't really judge that until April. But it will get harder for Microsoft if Sony keeps coming out with this great news like this. If you wish to read the whole interview of Shuhei Yoshida, click on the link below...

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New Xbox To Be Revealed In April!

As many of you may know, there was a sense of 'whatever you can do, I can do better' between Sony and Microsoft when it came to next generation hardware, however it was Sony who was eventually brave enough to reveal their console first. Now it is out in the open, many sources have revealed that Microsoft will be revealing their next generation console in April.

The PlayStation 4 has been quite a big talking point for the last two days and didn't fail to impress anyone, but will the next Xbox have the same wow factor? And have Microsoft simply been waiting on Sony so they could one up their rivals?

According to a senior Sony official (who didn't want to be named), Microsoft were caught off guard by the reveal of the PlayStation 4 and that Sony definitely ruffled some feather with their showcase.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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PlayStation 4 and The YouTube Effect

YouTube has its fair share of gamers that own expensive recording hardware so they can upload footage of themselves playing games, however Sony has taken it into their own hands to make a lot of this hardware obsolete. The PlayStation 4 will include a recording function, meaning gamers all over the world will be able to record themselves playing their favorite titles and share it with the world with the click of a button.  I call it...The YouTube Effect.

Its a sad time for many successful YouTubers, who have already made their mark on the online video world as established gamers, because now everyone with a PlayStation 4 will be flooding the internet with videos by simply clicking a button. Don't get me wrong, its a fantastic feature and will save a butt load of money for those who want to get started, but the huge increase in gamers uploading footage to the internet is going to make it that extra bit harder to find something unique.

For those of you that missed the PS4 meeting last night, I urge you to go and watch it using the link below. Its a fantastic showcase of what we are going to expect from the console and it really is a large technological leap from the PS3.

PlayStation 4 Meeting (Video)

The PlayStation 4 will be released during the 2013 holiday season, a price is yet to be confirmed.

Let me know your thoughts.

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