POV PS4 Facts
White Lord Releases an Awesome PS3 Mod and Leaves the Scene:
If you're running custom firmware, one of the best things that you can do with it is utilize your modded hardware for savegame hacks. As long as you're not stupid enough to use them for online matches, they can breathe a whole lot of a new life into older games, which is exactly what has happened with the release of the Tekken 6 Rebirth Mod that allows you to play as two NPC bosses Nancy and Azazel. From my perspective, as a Tekken fan this hack was really huge and important news considering that many fans of the franchise had probably already beaten this title a million times over by now. In reality, this is just another example of how the right coders can get things done in a way that actually benefits the original developers. Namco wants you to get your money's worth from your purchases, and this my friends is how you do it.
Maybe more interesting though are White Lord's statements that the PSP scene is "not what it once was" and the PS3 community was not "what he wanted." From covering all this news, there's no denying that the PSP scene has changed, but I would say it's more due to the fact that Sony has surrendered the system to hackers as this point. There are no more battles with corporate machines that lead to the passion that we once had for the PSP, but that doesn't mean you still can't make good homebrew for it. Mario Kart PSP, and Super Chess are just a few great ones, It's sad that PS3 simply didn't appeal to him too, but I think in a lot of ways that community has also suffered from total control system since the leak of the lv0 keys. I suppose once the fight is gone things do get less interesting. Enough in fact to unfortunately make White Lord say goodbye. Free-to-play games are sweeping the nation, but is it a viable model? Let's take Uncharted 3 as a case study!
Read More: http://www.dashhacks.com/ps4/ps4-news/one-hackers-opinion-for-the-week-of-february-24th-ps4-facts-free-to-play-games-and-evasi0n-make-some-waves.html
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